The Fayette County Jail is housed at the Fayette County Justice Center located at 1646 North Jefferson, La Grange, Texas.
The Fayette County Jail is fully dedicated to the citizens of this community in its effort to provide and maintain a safe and secured facility in which to lawfully detain and house inmates. The Fayette County Jail fully recognizes its responsibility to the citizens of this community to operate this facility in the most cost-effective manner possible.
The Fayette County Jail deems that the purpose of this facility is to lawfully detain individuals charged with violation of all applicable laws. All inmates are treated fairly and justly without regard to race, gender, religion, or age. The inmate’s health and safety is maintained by providing a nutritional diet and adequate medical care.
The Fayette County Jail is committed to maintaining a professional and well-trained correctional staff. The Fayette County Jail recognizes the importance of the correctional staff in assuring safety and efficiency in the operation of the jail. The correctional staff maintains the highest level of security by adhering to proper supervision of inmates, security management, and facility control. The correctional staff of the Fayette County Jail are provided the necessary resources needed to perform their duties.
Inmates classified as minimum security risk have the opportunity to work outside the jail on the Inmate Work Detail Crew which is supervised by an armed officer. They offer services to Fayette County that include landscaping, trash pick up for the Adopt A Highway program (approximately 30 miles) and various other jobs for non-profit organizations.
The Fayette County Jail is under the command of:
- Edward Sawyer, Jail Administrator
- There are 14 Jailers employed who are certified through the Texas Commission of Jail Standards.
The Fayette County jail Currently has a 45 bed capacity.
Visiting Hours for inmates are as follows:
Female 8:00 AM to 9:00 AM Male 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM
1:00 PM to 2:00 PM 2:00 PM to 4:00PM
Female 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM Male 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
3:00 PM to 4:00 PM 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM
Cash or Money Orders can be dropped off for inmates at the following times:
Monday through Friday 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Fayette County Jail Visitation Rules

- All visitors must be age 17 or older, must have a valid state ID or drivers license.
- Inmates must schedule a 45 minute time slot one day prior to the visit. An inmate may have only two visits per week.
- Only two adults and two children over the age of three per visit.
- Children under the age of three are only allowed to visit on the first Sunday of every month.
- Children (16 and under) must be accompanied by an adult parent or legal guardian.
- Children must be supervised at all times by a parent.
- Visitors must be properly attired. Clothing of a provocative/revealing nature will not be allowed.
- Any visitor creating a disturbance will be subject to being banned from our facility.
- Any visitor caught bringing in contraband to inmates will be prosecuted (42-5-18 Giving inmates items without consent of authority).
- The Fayette County Jail reserves the right to refuse entry to any person or persons.
- All visitors are subject to search; any visitor who refuses to be search will be denied entry.
- No purses or packages are allowed in our facility (pay lockers are located in the lobby).
- Food and drinks are prohibited.
- Questions about visitation? Please call 770-716-4734.
Sheriff’ s Office Profile
The Fayette County Sheriff’s Office is responsible for law enforcement in the rural areas of Fayette County. The Fayette County Sheriff’s Office dispatches for EMS, three other city police departments, Department of Public Safety Troopers, and ten volunteer fire departments. The Sheriff’s Office is responsible for the incarceration of all persons arrested in Fayette County. It serves a population of over 25,000 in a 950 square mile area. The inmate population at the Fayette County Jail is approximately 45. The Department employs about 46 people, and its annual budget in 2 millions dollars.
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